Skin Tag Removal Miami | Beyond Health MedSpa

Get expert skin tag removal in Miami at Beyond Health MedSpa.

Reach out to us at (786) 359-4068

What is a skin tag?

A skin tag is a tiny, benign growth that appears mostly on the neck, armpits, and other body folds. It forms due to the clustering of collagen and blood vessels in thicker parts of the skin. Skin tags are usually harmless, but many remove them for cosmetic reasons.

Skin tags, medically known as acrochordons, are common and benign lesions, often appearing in areas where the skin creases or folds. They form due to the clustering of collagen fibers and blood vessels trapped inside thicker skin pieces. These harmless growths can vary in size, typically from 1 millimeter to 5 millimeters in diameter, though some can grow even larger.

Common Areas Where Skin Tags Form

Skin tags develop in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing. The most common sites include:

  • Neck

  • Armpits

  • Eyelids

  • Groin Folds

  • Under the Breasts

  • Upper Chest, particularly underneath the bra line in women

Understanding skin tags' nature and common locations can help you choose the best removal method, ensuring safety and efficacy in maintaining flawless skin.

Home remedies include apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and over-the-counter treatments. Medspas offers efficient solutions like cryotherapy, laser treatment, and electrosurgery for professional removal. Beyond Health MedSpa in Miami's state-of-the-art facility provides advanced and the most effective procedures. Our experts ensure safe and effective removal for flawless skin. So, if you're wondering what a skin tag is and how to get rid of it, trust Beyond Health MedSpa for the best care.

Reach out to us at (786) 359-4068

Skin Tag Symptoms

Skin tag symptoms are generally mild, as these growths are typically benign and painless. The primary indication of a skin tag is the presence of a small, soft, flesh-colored bump that protrudes from the skin on a thin stalk. These growths can vary in size, typically from 1 millimeter to 5 millimeters in diameter, though some can grow even larger.

Skin tags may go unnoticed until they irritate due to friction from clothing or jewelry. While they do not usually cause discomfort, larger skin tags can sometimes become caught on items, leading to slight discomfort or minor bleeding. In some cases, multiple skin tags may appear, often in clusters, in areas where the skin folds.

If you notice any dramatic changes in the appearance or feel of your skin tags, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to figure out other skin conditions.

Benefits of Skin Tag Removal Through Laser

At Beyond Health MedSpa in Miami, we take pride in our expertise in providing precise and minimally invasive skin tag removal procedures. Our experienced team is dedicated to ensuring your safety and satisfaction.

  • Enhances appearance

  • Reduces discomfort

  • Prevents irritation from clothing or jewelry

  • Minimizes the risk of bleeding

  • Decreases the potential for infection

  • Improves self-esteem and confidence

  • Allows for easier skin hygiene

  • Prevents snagging and tearing

  • Eliminates potential health risks if the skin tag changes in size or color

Skin Tag Removal Through Cauterization

At Beyond Health MedSpa in Miami, our expert team employs advanced cauterization techniques to effectively remove skin tags. This popular method involves burning the skin tag off with a specialized device designed to deliver controlled heat. For your comfort, we begin by applying a local anesthetic to the targeted area. The entire procedure is quick and efficient, often completed within a few minutes, allowing you to return to your daily activities with smoother, blemish-free skin.

The heated probe is then carefully applied to the base of the skin tag, effectively burning the tissue and resulting in the skin tag detachment. This process removes the skin tag and seals the wound, reducing the infection risk and minimizing bleeding. Our team ensures that the treated area is then cleaned and covered with a sterile dressing to aid healing, providing you with the utmost care and safety.

Cauterization is a quick and efficient method, often completed within a few minutes, depending on the number and size of removed skin tags. Post-procedure, patients may experience slight redness or discomfort, which typically resolves within a few days. The result is smoother, blemish-free skin, allowing patients to regain confidence and comfort in their appearance.

Contraindications for Skin Tag Removal

While skin tag removal is generally a safe and straightforward procedure, there are certain contraindications to consider. Individuals with the following problems should consult with  their healthcare provider before undergoing skin tag removal:

Diabetic patients may have impaired healing and are at a higher risk of infection, making it essential to seek medical advice before skin tag removal.

Conditions that affect circulation, such as peripheral artery disease, can impede the healing process and increase the likelihood of complications.

If there is an active infection or inflammation in the area around the skin tag, it is advisable to treat the infection first before attempting removal.

Patients with bleeding problems or taking anticoagulants should exercise caution, as they may be prone to excessive bleeding during the procedure.

Those with compromised immune systems may face a higher risk of infection and slower healing times.

While skin tag removal is typically safe, pregnant women should contact their healthcare provider to determine the best course of action, as hormonal changes may cause more skin tags to form during pregnancy.

Whether they cause discomfort or are simply a cosmetic concern, finding an effective and safe method for skin tag removal is essential. With options ranging from home remedies to professional procedures like cauterization, understanding how to get rid of skin tags allows individuals to choose the best approach for their needs. Beyond Health MedSpa in Miami offers advanced, minimally invasive treatments to ensure optimal results, helping you confidently achieve smooth, blemish-free skin.

Book Your Appointment Today

Are you ready to enjoy smoother, blemish-free skin? Don't let skin tags hold you back. At Beyond Health MedSpa in Miami, our experienced team provides state-of-the-art skin tag removal solutions tailored to your needs. Whether dealing with discomfort or simply seeking to enhance your appearance, we offer advanced, minimally invasive treatments to ensure optimal results and restore your confidence.

Take the first step towards the best skin health and book your appointment today. Visit our website or call us to schedule your evaluation. Trust Beyond Health MedSpa for safe, effective, and professional care. Your journey to flawless skin starts here!

Reach out to us at (786) 359-4068